Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Automatically create Outlook signature using Active Directory info

I can't take credit for this, but I've used it and it works pretty slick. It is a VB script file (VBS) that can be modified to your needs, and it will create a signature for Outlook 2003 or 2007 by using information it gets from Active Directory. You do need to have an understanding of HTML and probably a little coding (primarily VB) experience, but it's really not that difficult. All the hard stuff has been taken care of and you can focus on customizing the actual signature.

Here's the first post that contains the actual script: http://bradmarsh.wordpress.com/2008/02/18/ad-based-outlook-email-signature-for-2003-and-2007/

And here's the second post with more information on how to implement it: http://bradmarsh.wordpress.com/2008/05/14/ad-based-outlook-email-signature-for-2003-and-2007-continued/

The easiest way, if you don't know what you're doing, is to run the script and see what it does initially. Be aware that this script erases all signatures you already have each time it is run, primarily because it's meant as more of an administrative tool to force a specific signature upon users. I'm sure you can change that feature, but I didn't bother doing it myself because I didn't care. Once you see the output, then you can find where the information is being compiled within the script and reconfigure it to output what you want it to. Good luck!

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