Thursday, September 4, 2008

Create or convert PDFs - for FREE!

Have you ever needed to create a pdf, or convert something to pdf format, but you didn't have Adobe Acrobat and didn't feel like buying it? What you may not know is that you can most likely do this for free with the help of a free download. DoPDF and Doro PDF are the two that I like to use. For an individual, DoPDF will serve the purpose nicely. However, if you're trying to set this up in a terminal services environment, Doro PDF is what you'll want to use. How this software works is that you "print" to the printer it installs, the same way you're used to printing anything else. By printing to the software's PDF printer however, that process will actually create a PDF file, rather than printing out an actual piece of paper. Once you choose that printer and click print, another window pops up and asks what you'd like to name the file and where you'd like to save it. It's simple, safe, and best of all, FREE! If you're looking for a free way to rearrange or merge your PDF files, check out my other post about PDFsam.

Doro PDF printer -;lst

If the link to Doro doesn't work for you, go to and search for it. There may be a more recent version available by the time you read this post.

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