Monday, January 19, 2009

Create a Windows "Live" CD

If you don't know what I mean when I say "Live" CD, it is a CD that allows you to boot and run Windows from the CD itself, without the need to install anything on your computer. This can be very useful if you're troubleshooting problems. Using a free tool called PE Builder, and your Windows installation disc, you too can create a "Live" CD to use for troubleshooting.

First, download and install PE Builder. You can find mirrors for it at

Next, put your Windows CD in your CD-ROM drive.

Run PE Builder and select the CD drive as the Source. Choose the media output and click Build. There are other options, such as plug-ins and slipstreaming updates, but this is a guide only for the basic setup. I had mine output to an .iso and then burned it using Roxio.

If you want to take a look at the original guide I had found about making the CD:

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