Monday, January 5, 2009

Outlook 2007 restore down to title bar only

I came in to work this morning to find that Outlook 2007 had minimized itself, and when I opened it all I could see was the title bar. Maximizing worked fine, but I like being able to drag and drop to the desktop, or move my Outlook window around. The normal resize in the corner wouldn't work either. After doing some digging I found a solution. Right-click on the title bar that is displayed, then choose "Size". That will let you resize the window back to how it should be. Maybe that's common knowledge, but I didn't have any idea so I'm guessing there are probably others out there that will eventually run into the problem too. Happy New Year too a few days late!


  1. Excellent. I just encountered the same issue and didn't know how to resolve it. As you said, it might have been obvious, but I didn't think about the Size menu either. Your blog posting helped! Thx.

  2. Great and Thank you so much!
    have the same problem and could fix it with your solution.


  3. May thaks. Had the same thing happen and your method fixed it in a jiffy. Is it really well known? and Why does it happen anyway??

  4. I don't think it happens very often, but it sure is a pain when it does. I'm glad the article was able to help you fix it. I'm not sure what causes it, but at least we know how to fix it.

  5. Hi, OMG - thank you so much! Huge help. Caroline

  6. I just had this problem this afternoon and had never seen it before. I'm out of another jam in record time. Like I say to anyone who asks, it's the people on the internet that make it such a totally rockin' place! Now if I could just get the internet to clean my basement... Thank you so very much.

  7. Thanks!! This wasn't a major problem since I could still maximize outlook to see my information, but it was annoying since I like to resize outlook so I can see other applications as the same time. I found your blog and solution after spending about an hour trying to fix it myself. I will book make you site and start there the next time I have a problem.

  8. Thanks you so much... You saved me from the frustration.

  9. Thanks for the help....after a week of annoyance, your solution worked perfectly!

  10. THANK YOU! What a simple answer - this totally worked. Thank you for posting and solving my problem!

  11. Thank you! I've been fighting with this for days!

  12. I really appreciate your taking the time to post a solution for others who may have encountered this problem as I did. THANK YOU!

  13. Thank you so much! I've been trying to figure this out for a couple of days.

  14. 8 years later and you are still helping people with this post. Thanks so much!!


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