Sunday, April 26, 2009

Free Mac OS X anti virus software

Odds are most Mac users will never need antivirus software. Out of the 35-40 Mac users I manage, I don't have any AV software installed at all. However, that doesn't mean you can't use it if you feel you need to. There's a free package out there called ClamXAV if you're interested. If it'll help you sleep easier at night, by all means, give it a try.


  1. In comparison to other premium antivirus software how good do you think clamav compared? I use on some Linux servers I have but I havnt really tested it yet...

  2. Honestly, I don't know. As I stated in the post, I don't use it on any of the machines I manage. To add to that, I've never used it. I don't really feel that it's necessary, but I know sometimes a person wants an antivirus for a Mac just for piece of mind. From what I found in researching it, it sounded like people were generally happy with it. Being free is also a big bonus


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