Thursday, June 25, 2009

napclientprov.mof error during Windows XP install

First, I'm going to guess that you either tried to slipstream Windows XP SP3 onto your install CD, or you have an install CD that is supposed to contain service pack 3. This isn't a bad thing, but from what I've read, the problem is related to CD's slipstreamed with service pack 3. Anyway, on to the fix.

The good news is that at this point of the install, napclientprov.mof should already be installed on the machine. You can click on Browser, then navigate to C:\Windows\system32\WBEM. You should see the napclientprov.mof file there, which you can then select and click OK to get the installer to continue. I don't have much more of an explanation than that, but it solved the issue for me so I'd expect it to do the same for you.

If you don't know what slipstreaming is, it is when you package Windows updates on your install CD so you don't have to go through all the updates post-install. It can save a lot of time if you have multiple machines to install Windows on, and it's pretty easy to do using a free program called nLite. To read more about how to slipstream updates, check out one of my earlier posts here.


  1. You is a genius...!
    Napclientprov.mof was alredy in C:\Windows\system32\ solved the issue for me too.
    Thank you !

  2. My copy was compressed, so I uncompressed it first by clicking Properties > Advanced > compress file. The install then completed.

  3. The problem with taking the file from C:\Windows\system32\WBEM leaves the WMI repository corrupted. This is at least in my case

  4. Hi Gerhard,

    That may be true, but I can't confirm. I don't use any WMI features so I never had that issue. If your WMI repository is corrupted though, you may want to check out They go through the steps necessary to repair a corrupted WMI registry, and it doesn't look like it's too bad. If you do give it a try, please post back and let us know if it fixed your problem.



  5. whooooooooo.......
    thank you....thank you very very muaaccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhh......:)

  6. really , i cant believe this that the file is already in my system , hats off to u buddy , u r a genious

  7. Many, MANY thanks!!!!

  8. Thank you very much... :-)

  9. Thank you sir its very helpfull.....

  10. Thank you very much. Now the problem is solved

  11. Thank you. Quick and to the point.

  12. Gotta love google! Very informative article. Thanks works for me:)


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