Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Can't save table design changes in SQL Server 2008

The default settings in SQL Server 2008 do not allow you to modify and save the design of a table if it requires that table be dropped and recreated. Instead, you'll get a nice error message that looks like this

This is nice if you don't want to accidentally change the design of a table, but I have a feeling most people that are in the SQL Management Studio application are using it for just that. The good news is this is easy to fix and only requires you to change one thing.

Within SQL Management Studio, go to Tools->Options->Designers->Table and Database Designers, then uncheck the box that says "Prevent saving changes that require table re-creation" and click OK. That's it, now you can change the design of your SQL table(s) and save them.

Thanks to vinodummy.com for pointing me in the right direction


  1. You're welcome. And to anyone reading these comments, no, I did not leave a comment to myself.

  2. I had the same problem. Thanks for share.

  3. This was frustrating the (*#&$@(*&#$ out of me. THANK YOU

  4. Dude,

    Thanks, You saved my Time and A......

  5. Thanks a lot, that was really annoying to not be able to make any changes to the table design. Nice holiday gift you are for this community.

    In Gratitude, Nina

  6. Thanks, Dude. You saved me a lot of work

  7. I love a straight answer - thanks to you and google

  8. Thanks a lot. This was very helpful. Robet Dube

  9. terima kasih teman :)
    jazakallah khoiron

  10. I want to save a new data diagram, How?
    this way dose not work, when I am trying to save a new data diagram>
    Please, can you help me :(


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