Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Free conference call service - freeconferencecall.com

If you're wondering how you're going to make your next conference call and you don't want to pay for a conferencing service, check out freeconferencecall.com. You can create a free account there and they will provide you with a 24/7 reservationless conference number you can give out to people. It's simple to do and easy to use. 

With that said, there is one thing to keep in mind. Most paid services give you a toll-free number to distribute to your callers, while freeconferencecall.com just gives you a number and some callers may have to dial (and pay) the long distance chargers involved with reaching that number. If your callers don't mind, then go ahead and save yourself a few bucks by using a freeconferencecall.com account. If you have to have a toll-free dial-in number, then you'll have to try something different. I see the same company also offers "SimpleTollFree" through simpletollfree.com , which charges you 6 cents per minute per caller. Otherwise you can always look into other toll-free conferencing options.

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