Thursday, December 30, 2010

Fix event ID 13559 problem on a Windows server

After migrating a standalone Windows domain controller to a VMWare environment, I noticed that some group policy objects weren't being enforced. It turned out some of the GPOs were missing from the SYSVOL share because it wasn't replicating on the newly virtualized DC. After checking the directory service event logs I found repeated entries for event ID 13359, stating

"The File Replication Service has detected that the replica root path has changed from "c:\windows\sysvol\domain" to "c:\windows\sysvol\domain". If this is an intentional move then file with the name NTFRS_CMD_FILE_MOVE_ROOT needs to be created under the new root path."

I didn't change the location of sysvol, and according to the event the sysvol location was changed to the same location. I did a little research and found that all I needed to do was listen to the event description and create the file requested. There's also KB 819268, but I didn't really find it useful. To fix the problem here's what you should do, assuming you have another domain controller that you can pull a new set of SYSVOL data from

1. Create a file named NTFRS_CMD_FILE_MOVE_ROOT in the directory listed in the event description where the replica root path has been moved to. In my situation I created a text file with that name in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSVOL\domain directory on the domain controller.

2. Restart the File Replication Service, either through services.msc, or with "net stop ntfrs" then "net start ntfrs" through the command prompt.

Now if you check your event log you'll find a warning that you're DC is going to be removed from the SYSVOL replica group, which is good. It'll automatically add it back to the group and start replicating the SYSVOL contents from another DC. Be patient and don't try to force a replication with replmon though as you'll want to wait until your server has been added back to the SYSVOL replication group first.


  1. Thanks for posting this solution. It worked perfectly to fix a problem with my old 2003 domain controller which stopped replicating all of a sudden.

  2. And what if you dont have another DC? Say like in an SBS2003 environment?

  3. If you only have 1 then you shouldn't be having any replication problems since there is nowhere to replicate to. If you lost information from your SYSVOL folder though and only have 1 DC, I hope you have a backup. You'd need to restore from that.


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