Monday, October 10, 2011

Can't uninstall McAfee Agent error 1714 or 1610

The environment I manage uses McAfee EPO for its antivirus needs, and I ran across multiple events in the application log with ID 11714 and 1002 on one of the machines. The event description was "Product: McAfee Agent -- Error 1714. The older version of McAfee Agent cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group. System Error 1610." I tried to manually uninstall the Agent and it kept asking for the MFEAgent.msi installer file, but that file was already in the location it was looking in. This meant the something was corrupt, so a little digging through the McAfee support forums led me to a quick fix using a registry hack.

1. Open up the Registry Editor (regedit.exe)
2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products
3. Go to Edit->Find
4. Search for MFEAgent.msi
5. Delete the PackageName entry that is found with MFEAgent.msi as its value. It should be under something like HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Products\2C12BAA2ADC498140ACEE56D6611F348\SourceList. The 2C12BAA2ADC498140ACEE56D6611F348 may vary between machines though, which is why you should search for it
6. Restart your computer
7. Reinstall the McAfee Agent

An alternative to searching in steps 3 and 4 would be to look in the Application event log at your event ID 1002. This will give you the exact registry path to the PackageName key you need to delete.

The McAfee forum post can be found here. Look on the second page for an entry by user SeaCat, who posted a long list of steps to fix the problem. Luckily, the first step of editing the registry was all that I needed to do, and from some of the other entries it looks like that also worked for some others.


  1. Thanks for this info. I've spent a few hours already on this today and unfortunately didn't find your article until just now. Anyway, killing the registry entry did the trick for me. I had already manually uninstalled the old agent and deleted all the reg keys McAfee mentioned. The error 1714 kept coming back when trying to install the current agent. This reg key wasn't on McAfee's list. Cheers!

  2. Your workaround worked for me at first try. I've been able to reinstall FramePkg without further trouble. Thanks a lot!

    Regards from a Spanish sysadmin :-)

  3. I tried everything and was about to re-install the machine when I came across thsi website on google.

    Thank you very much for the help on resolving this issue!!

    Highly appreciate it!


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